Posts Tagged ‘Bellur’

Tribute to Vidushi Smt.Radha Thandaveshwara of ‘Bellur Sisters’ fame

September 7, 2023
AUDIO TRIBUTE – This was broadcasted in Australian Radio [Kannada Radio Karyakrama], thanks to Mr.Sydney Srinivas and Smt.Uma Suresh.

Ella OK… Dubbing Yaake? (Bellur – Vasuki Feature)

March 26, 2013

Vasuki Raghavan: A Caricature

December 2, 2012

(Click for a larger view)
| Caricature: RK

For those who have known Vasuki Raghavan, there needs no intoduction about him. His sense of humour is extremely good. It has been fun reading his posts on his blog and FB page. His play on words, usage of PUN and the wit he exhibits for common situations is what endears his posts to readers like me.

I would like to thank him for igniting the spark in me to do the Kannada Minimalist Movie Posters. It is because of him that I have started the ‘Kannada Minimalist poster’ series.

Well done Vasuki! Keep entertaining us for a long time to come!

The above caricature is a way of thanksgiving from one crazy man to another. Hope you like it. Not the FB ‘LIKE’… simply the LIKE that you knew before FB!


Also see:
Prashanth M: A Caricature

Article in ‘Kannada Prabha’

April 19, 2010

Click on the image for a larger view

An article on yours truly’s collection of Dr.Rajkumar has been carried out in today’s Kannada Prabha, who are doing a series on Annavru, from April 12th till 24th.

Having read articles over the years on Rajkumar, I must say this series has published many interesting and unknown facets and facts about Rajanna – No, I’m not talking about my collection on the legend 😉


Posts related to Dr.Rajkumar on RwB.